Friday, May 25, 2007

Source Point

Talents began to appear just prior to World War II. The original Talents were purely psionic in nature, as indicated by their ability to interfere with each others use of their powers. What caused the shift in the human psyche which allowed some people to access their Talent nature is still a matter of debate and one of the primary focuses of the Meacham Institute. Evidence indicates that one of the primary causes of these ‘natural’ Talents is some level of trauma, either physical or emotional distress, but this is not the only factor as many Talents are unable to point to any such trauma.

Since the late 1970’s there has been a significant surge in Wild Talents across the developed countries of the world. This is due to many modern Talents status as mutants, as well as the many technologically based Talents.

The Meacham Institute has chosen to breakdown the Talent population into the following categories:

Natural Talents - Although no longer able to interfere with each others powers, this category includes those Talents whose abilities derive from the power of their minds. A housewife with the ability to lift a truck, or a banker who can propel himself through the air by sheer force of will would both fall into this category. (Game sources include Psi, Driven, or Life-Force)

Mutants - Whether at birth or through the influence of super-science or other Talents, the individuals in this category have an altered genetic structure allowing them to surpass the recognized bounds of human potential. (Game sources include Genetic)

Technologists - This category includes all those individuals who’s ability to circumvent the natural limitations of humanity come from super-science. It is controversial to include these beings as Talents, but the Meacham Institute points out that the abilities afforded to these individuals are unique and not reproducible by any ordinary means. It is also a point of controversy to include purely artificial creations. Many contend only those originally human should be included in discussions of Talents. (Game sources include Construct, Cyborg, and Technological)

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