Friday, May 25, 2007

The Four Universal Axes

Red: 3, Gold: 2, Blue: 2, Black: 3

Historical Inertia - Red: 3

Changing History is hard, even for a Talent. Especially for a Talent, since so many people (including other Talents) are watching them - but it’s not impossible. Manufacturable foci are rare, but they do exist especially in military hardware or industrial work.

Talent Inertia - Gold: 2

In general, society pigeonholes Talents the same way it does every social group: Accountants are boring, Irishmen are pugnacious, young girls like horses, Talents are flamboyant and dangerous. But not everyone thinks that way, and individual Talents can and do easily overcome such stereotypes, which hardly have the weight of prejudice.

Talents are somewhat more likely to change than normal people; in this they resemble celebrities or professional wrestlers. Talents may have retired, gotten hugely fat, died, converted, become corrupt, run for office, or slacked off and wasted their potential.

The Lovely and the Pointless - Blue: 2

The acceptable borders of pseudo-science are a little loose, but society takes no notice. The world is one of low-level oddness, and self-policing strangeness. Covert exploration of the unknown and uncovering the hidden truth of the universe may reveal a ‘secret history’ of the world.

Moral Clarity - Black: 3

The world is sufficiently clear that good and evil are evident, but far from overwhelmingly obvious. People of good will can still differ on both the means as well as the ultimate ends - some questions of morality and ethics have no ‘right answer’ although the concept of a ‘right answer’ is theoretically imaginable. Good people do not kill outside a clear moral framework such as war or vengeance.

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