Friday, May 25, 2007


Players are encouraged to create their own archetypes, but the Source Meta-Qualities are limited to Construct, Cyborg, Driven, Genetic, Life Force, Psi, and Technological. Any of the Permission and Intrinsic Meta-Qualities are allowed.

The ready made Archetypes which are allowed include: Adept, Artificial, Human+, Mutant, and Super-Normal.

In Play Classifications

Freak Archetype - virtually anyone who includes the Inhuman Intrinsic Meta-Quality is labeled as a Freak by the populace at large. Although recognized as a derogatory epithet, many Mutants actively ‘take-back’ the term by using it in normal speech and self-identifying as such.

Feral Archetype - any character described as having animal characteristics, whether they include the Inhuman Intrinsic or not, can be classified as Feral. Many who can be classified this way self-segregate in remote communities or isolated neighborhoods.

Bot Archetype - any character who includes the Construct Source Meta-Quality, and is self aware enough to make the choice, often self-segregates as Ferals do.

Hyper[X] - shorthand for anyone whose Talent manifests as an ordinary human ability or skill taken to extreme levels. i.e. Hyperbrains, Hyperbody, or even Hyperacrobat.

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