Saturday, January 27, 2007

This Just In...


The dim light provided by the hanging glow sticks illumed a sheen of condensation throughout the room. Despite the cool humidity the expected odor of mustiness and mold was absent. The only sounds came from the shuffling of the other techs crouched behind the hastily erected barriers.

Standing apart from the others, exposed from the waist up, was the Chief Technician. Eyes bright in the green glow of a data pad, his voice broke into the quiet.

“Thermal charges in place…

Shaping shields aligned and active…

Detonation in 3... 2… 1!”

There was no roar. There was only the soft whoosh of air being displaced by thermal expansion, more felt than heard; accompanied by a literally blinding light as the thermal charges sliced through more than a meter of reinforced blast door and several more of stone and earth.

Double checking the sensor displays the Chief was pleased by what he saw. “We’re through! Report to the Colonel that we have breached the outer tomb!” In his excitement he nearly shouted into his comlink.

He then motioned the binary load lifters forward. As the twin droids set to their task, the Chief settled in to wait…

“Now, the hard part” he thought.

Set up

This is a place for me to put all my geeky gamer information. Anything I feel is approprate to my gaming life will end up here...

There probably wont be much in the way of continuity so bear with me...